Artist: Deni Je
Title: "Burning The Earth"
Year: 2020
Size: 94 cm x 140 cm (37 x 55.1 in)
Materials: watercolor on paper

In general, this painting is inspired by Surah Al-Hadiid, the 57th letter in the Koran, especially verse 25. Al-Hadiid literally means iron. The verse states that iron was sent down from the sky, not produced by the earth. Specifically, this painting was inspired by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Covid-19 has not only been attacking the health of the world society, but also the aspects of economy, social, even politics. People became panics. Anybody considers it as a nightmare that is hoped to end soon. Of course, we all wish this pandemic to pass away soon as well.

Sometimes, something that is considered bad will become a very worthy thing after it is gone for long. For example, at the 14th century, the black death pandemic killed the third of people of Europe. Even so, the plague compelled Europeans to make some breakthrough technologies to replace the owners of cultivated lands that had passed away. Therefore, the black death is often called grandfather of technical revolution. The result, technology continuously develops that we can enjoy till today.

I hope, after the pandemic Covid-19, civilization will grow and continue to develop.

This idea I depict in a burning form of the earth. The earth globe is in the process of smelting in an iron manufacture.

To illustrate the Corona virus pandemic, I have also added a form of a hospital bed at the burning room.

This painting passed the selection for the “Manifesto” exhibition, which is a large biennial national scale exhibition held by the National Gallery of Indonesia. Different from previous years, the 2020 VII “Manifesto” was held online.

The painting process video of the "Burning The Earth"


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